Obviously, all tutoring is currently on-line, and this is more appealing to some students than others. When a child has learning differences or delays, it can be difficult to maintain attention on screen, so we are working on ways to make the tutorials as multi-sensory as possible, with activities designed to maximise the learning experience.
The content of the session is guided by the student’s needs as well as by any specialist reports and parental requests.
Following the session, parents receive feedback on the targets set, the child’s performance as well as follow up activities / links to resources and recommendations for further actions.
I am known for my approachable and professional manner and, as a former Head of Learning Support at a major independent school, I am aware of the concerns that parents have about their child’s education.
1.What are the fees for your Assessments and Tutor Sessions?
As I work internationally, please contact me for details about fees for your region.
2.Do you permit group tutor sessions?
Yes, where 2-3 (max) students are working at the same level, this can be discussed.
3.What age range do you cover?
Depending on the needs of the child and the family, I can be flexible on age range. Children develop at different rates, so I am guided by their developmental age, rather than chronological. As a guideline, I cover the age range 4-11.
4.What happens if my child doesn’t get on with the tutor?
Currently we are looking to expand, so there will be the possibility to work with an alternative tutor.
5.Do you have experience of working with ADHD and Autism?
I have many years’ experience of working with a wide range of learning differences such as:
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Learning Delays
Dual Exceptionality